Monday, October 01, 2007

Erotic Art

I love erotic art…I can’t help it. I am a junkie when it comes right down do it; a voyeur in the best of ways. Erotic art is a turn on for me no matter how I look at it (upside down, on my back, standing on my head), it is a subject to fuel my fires for days at a time. Now, the difference between erotic and pornographic is a slippery one. Porn picks me up and dumps me right into the sexual act, but erotic art is more like foreplay, a visual vibrator that creates and builds the sexual tension within my mind.

When I saw Robert Lombarte's "Cops and Robbers" piece for the first time, I felt the first stirrings of my kinky vibrations.I realized that there was a longing in me to play with this aspect of my nature. Come to find out, I have an insatiable appetite for the restrained teasing game, but I wasn’t able to act out on it for years. I am sure that given enough time, I would have eventually identified this interest of mine, but his piece helped me to see my longing despite it's 'tame' nature.

Art is like that. This is the purpose of Art: to provoke and provide visual food for longings, feelings, and other indescribable states of being. How many times have we responded to a piece of art and have not been able to put our reaction into words? It is part of the creative mystery, and when it comes to sexuality, there is something so primal at times, it defies words.

The wonderful thing about it all….art is subjective for every person, there is something for everyone. What does it for me, may or may not do it for you, but I guarantee that something out there does do it for you…so go explore your creative sexual nature and get back to me. Tell me what you find and why you like it…I am listening and who knows, your stuff may just turn me on too and then we will have something in common; a nice start to a long friendship.


Adam Apple said...

Seph, I love your blog. It is very sexy in a professional kind of way. I will be stopping by again to follow your journey.

We're Only Animals said...


Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog and all your comments.

I agree with you on the erotic art. I personally like french art like Tolouse Lautrec when he paints the prostitues and then shocking lesbians.

I will sweep past soon

Anonymous said...

Excellent post my dear. And love your blog as well will be back soon.

Anonymous said...


Hope you got the Deviant e-mail pics I sent. I will never change - lol